Audacious Faith
“Faith~The Shout of Victory…”
We invite you to click this link to hear a message from Pastor Wayne Clemens. He shares, “Faith ~The Shout of Victory…” from the Book of Joshua. What walls need to come down for you? Let today’s Word inspire you to step out in faith and shout the victory in your situation.
“The Faith of God…”
We invite you to hear this message, “The Faith of God…” from the Gospel of Mark. Pastor Jay encourages us to dig into the Word, so that the Word is planted in us, and gets out of us and into the world.
“Received By Faith…”
We invite you to hear this powerful message of Faith, “Received By Faith…” Pastor Wayne teaches us what faith looks like, how we seek it and what to do if we find we need more of it. Be blessed by this Word today…