

Wednesday Groups

Wednesday Groups CenterPoint Growth Groups meet throughout the year on a semester based system.  Please visit our calendar to see the groups in session. Upon arriving to a Growth Group there will be a brief worship service beginning at 6:15 pm – 6:30 pm followed by various Growth Groups from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Select from and sign up for a wide variety of discipleship groups listed in our group catalog including, DVD based studies, Next Step with Pastor…

Youth Ministry

CenterPoint Kidz   During our Sunday morning worship thoughout the school year, we provide a fun and engaging experience for your child, K-6th grade. “Kidz Church” is a Spirit-led program, where children are encouraged to grow in the Lord.  Our Kidz program coincides with our current sermon series. By streamlining these messages, your family can grow together in Christ.  We invite your little one to CenterPoint Kidz where we saved them a spot in “Kidz Church!” Our Worship service is…

The Creator’s Studio

The Creator’s Studio     Are you ready to create your new vision through art? Please join us for an artistic, two-part series exploring The Creator’s Art Studio, a prophetic art ministry, introducing the artist to co-create with the Holy Spirit. His creative gifts are inside all of us, and we are created to reflect His Glory to others.   Winter-Spring Art Workshops Holy Spirit Art: Wed. February 12 & 19     (New Artists) Saturday, February 22    10am – 1pm Art and…

Nature Trail Ministry

Nature Trail Ministry CenterPoint Nature Trails are open to the community from dawn to dusk – directly behind CenterPoint Plaza. Park in the main lot or at the pavilion, follow the signs to come experience the “Narrow Path.” Come and See nature preserved as God intended, enjoy the secluded prayer garden, sit for a while, spend some time with God and “contemplate the cross.” If you would like to learn more about this ministry please see Orra Cross or one…

Men’s Ministry

Mens Group Here at the CenterPoint MUDroom, men gather around the breakfast table on the first Saturday of every month at 9:00 am.  We invite you to come for a hearty breakfast and a hot cup of coffee.  During our time together, be inspired by great conversation and fellowship.  And for those who like to cook, our kitchen opens at 8:00 am. if you would like to share your cooking skills. 

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry We offer a dynamic Women’s Ministry here at CenterPoint.  These Spirit-led gatherings include nursing home visits, shopping trips, or for fellowship in the coziness of someone’s home.  Do you desire to connect with women believers, grow in the Lord, and share Jesus Christ? Then we invite you to experience all the great things God is doing in our Women’s Ministry. 

Global Ministries

Global Ministries CenterPoint Church participates in a number of global ministries including Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse and through the United Methodist Committee on Relief, (UMCOR), our mission arm & global disaster relief team, that responds immediately to needs across the globe. Please click here for more info. Connecting The Church In Mission | Global Ministries