The 2021 Global Gathering of the Wesleyan Covenant Association
In a world separated by distancing, division, and discord, we need to dedicate ourselves to go global with the grace, the mercy, the justice, and the love of God! We need to touch a hurting, despairing, and sick world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Now, more than ever, we need to heed Christ’s call to go to all the nations to make disciples!
Let’s prepare to Go Global!
Our Fifth Global Gathering will begin at 9 am CT and PT and at 10 am ET and MT.
A lunch break will occur at approximately 11:50 am CT and PT and 12:50 pm ET and MT. The Gathering will reconvene after lunch at 1:05 pm CT and PT and 2:05 pm ET and MT.
The Gathering will end at 3:30 pm CT and PT and 4:30 pm ET and PT.