Dear CenterPoint Church Family,
Grace and peace to you as we embark on a journey of reflection, meditation, worship, and service over the course of the 2021 40 day Lenten season which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17th. We will be hosting a very special Ash Wednesday Worship Service on that date at 6:30 pm in-person only.
The Lenten season differs from the Advent season: we don’t sing carols, and instead of celebrating the birth of Christ and anticipating His 2nd coming, we prepare ourselves for His death and resurrection.
This is also a time when we come together in unity and in repentance before the Lord. In the Bible we see various times when God appointed seasons for His people to fast. He also designated several types of fasts. With this as our backdrop, we would like to invite you to join us on February 9, 2021 @ 6:30 pm via zoom for a Q&A session regarding the CenterPoint Lenten season. Click Here To Join Our Online Forum.
During our time together we will share and discover the “why” of the CenterPoint Lenten season and its focus on fasting and prayer. As always, for health and safety reasons, we encourage everyone to consult with their doctor before embarking upon any season of fasting of any type.
In addition to fasting and prayer, we will be participating in a 40 day devotional reading together “Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge…” written by Mark Batterson.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding Lent please feel free to contact the Pastoral Team who will be happy to assist. If you are in need of a copy of the book Draw the Circle, please let us know as soon as possible via email:,
by phone: 315 896-5111 or via the CenterPoint Church App.
CenterPoint Church