Wednesday Night Groups – Winter 2025
7 Weeks -Starting Wednesday January 15 – through February 26
6:00 -6:15 pm Worship in the Sanctuary
6:15-8 pm Groups
Select from and sign up for a wide variety of discipleship groups online & on the ministry board from the listing here in our group catalog. If there is a particular group that you might be interested in having included in this or future semester catalogs, please contact Pastor Wayne or any of the group facilitators for further info.
Relying On The Holy Spirit – Dr. Charles Stanley:
Learn the whole truth about the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit should inspire our awe and admiration. Unfortunately, for many believers these feelings of wonder come about as a result of puzzlement instead of adoration. But the truth of the matter is that the role of the Holy Spirit does not have to be a mystery in our lives, and we will miss out greatly on God’s power if we choose to ignore His Spirit.
In Relying on the Holy Spirit, Charles F. Stanley cuts through the confusion and introduces us to a living Person as real and active as God the Father and Christ the Son. We can know what God’s Word says about who the Spirit is—and how to develop a relationship with Him.
Angels – Who They Are and How They Help
People have long been fascinated by stories of angel sightings, yet many contemporary beliefs about angels are based on misconception and myth.
In Angels, Dr. David Jeremiah uses Scripture to unveil the remarkable truth about these agents of heaven and their role and work in our world. Dr. Jeremiah’s book will capture the attention of readers of all ages who seek a broad and thorough survey of Scripture that clearly separates fact from fiction as it relates to angels.
Uninvited – Lysa TerKeurst:
Uninvited DVD Based Study: In this seven-session video Bible study bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps women to explore the roots of rejection; the lies we believe as a result; and the truth about who God is, who we are, and what it looks like to live loved. The study guide is packed with deep Bible teaching and includes guided video notes, group discussion questions, and between-sessions personal studies.